Sunday, 8 March 2015

50 Facts About Me

I have seen a few bloggers and YouTubers share 50 facts about themselves and I think it would be fun to jump on the band wagon. I have plenty of blog ideas at the moment but I am finding it difficult to express these thoughts and put them into words so I've decided to upload this post in the meantime.

  1. My full name is Tyler Thorne. That is all. But a lot of people just call me Ty
  2. I feel deprived of a middle name (but I am also grateful that I don't have an awful middle name that I hate, so thanks Mum and Dad... I think)
  3. When I was younger I used to make up middle names for myself that included Rose and Bunny - sorry but WHAT? haha
  4. I used to hate that my name was predominately used for males until I met another girl called Tyler in McDonalds when I was about 9 and I came to terms with it
  5. I now love stereotypical boys names for girls i.e. Dylan, Drew and Riley
  6. I am currently 19 years old
  7. I was born on the 5th of December 1995
  8. It was snowing the day I was born (which is unusual for Guernsey)
  9. I live on a small Island called Guernsey, which is in-between England and France
  10. I was born in Guernsey but grew up 8 and a half years of my life in Perth, Australia
  11. I moved to Perth when I was 2 years old
  12. I have a pet cat called Sydney
  13. I would LOVE to have a pet dog
  14. But I am allergic to fur so I would have to have a hypoallergenic breed 
  15. I am an air hostess/cabin crew member/air stewardess (what ever you prefer)
  16. I absolutely love my job, the people I work with and the fact I am constantly learning when I am at work
  17. I would say I am creative and I love making videos and editing, just for fun
  18. I love taking photographs (and have recently just bought a new Canon G7X for photos and film)
  19. I enjoy taking long walks along the beach (okay this is starting to sound like a dating profile)
  20. I have an older brother who is 21 years old, called Zak
  21. I love watching movies and my favourite would have to be Burlesque
  22. But my favourite genre is actually Action
  23. My favourite author is James Patterson
  24. I watch YouTube videos everyday (sad I know)
  25. I one day wish to travel the world with someone I love
  26. I have been fortunate enough to travel a lot in my 19 years visiting countries including Canada, USA and Australia
  27. I enjoy cooking - particularly Jamie Oliver meals from his cook books
  28. But I don't like cleaning up after I've cooked
  29. The sunshine makes me happy
  30. I LOVE fillet steak - yum yum
  31. I think I have an addiction to blueberry muffins (if you're in Guernsey seriously try the yoghurt blast blueberry muffin from Alliance. You. are. welcome.)
  32. I like my eggs poached - there is nothing quite as satisfying as poaching an egg then popping its centre to see the bright yellow yolk poring out over some toast
  33. My parents are my best friends
  34. I am very family-oriented and I love spending time with my grandparents, cousins, aunties and uncles
  35. When I was about 9 I won the Western Australian 100m hurdles at the State Championships - random fact, I know but I thought I'd just throw it in there
  36. I play volleyball for Guernsey and we are currently training for the inter-insulars in April and the Island Games in June
  37. I learnt to play indoor beach volleyball in Australia when I was around 8 years old
  38. I think Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares USA is hilarious (Go and watch the episode called Michon's on 4OD "NASTAY")
  39. I have a face full of freckles that I usually don't even notice until someone mentions them
  40. I feel confident without wearing makeup but I tend to put makeup on because it's fun to apply and experiment with new looks
  41. My favourite TV program is One Born Every Minute
  42. I have both skied and snowboarded. Although I am not particularly great at either, I do prefer snowboarding - I find it more challenging and exciting
  43. If I find something I really want I end up convincing myself that I NEED it. I do research more expensive items before I purchase them though
  44. I have a great group of friends and boyfriend who I adore
  45. I love the smell of petrol
  46. I like having painted nails but I hate the process of painting them
  47. I'm sh*t scared of spiders
  48. I have asthma
  49. I have so many thoughts and ideas that I struggle to put into words. I am working on that
  50. I am clearly new to this whole blogging thing and I am most definitely not a writer 

Writing 50 facts about myself was actually much harder than I first thought. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit better. 

Thanks for reading

Bye for now x

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