Tuesday 7 April 2015

Happy Easter

For me, Easter is a time to spend with family & friends, to enjoy the sunshine and indulge in WAY too much chocolate (then feel really guilty about it later). We were lucky enough to have absolutely beautiful weather in Guernsey this Easter weekend.

I just wanted to write a quick blog post to say I hope you all had a lovely Easter time and enjoyed the long weekend!

Below are a few images I took this weekend - A time line of my Easter weekend 2015.

Bye for now x

Mini Egg goodness

Easter treats - Courtesy of Gran
Easter Egg hunt for the young ones in the family - Erin searching - Easter Sunday
Beautiful weather with an even better view - Bank Holiday Monday
Ladies that lunch
Post-lunch ice cream with the BEAUTFUL Isla
Chocolate goodness
Island tour in Isla's new wagon

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